
Showing posts from July, 2020


AREAS OF PHILOSOPHY Metaphysics Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that considers the physical universe and the nature of ultimate reality. It asks questions like, what is real? What is the origin of the world? What is beyond the stars? Your consideration of reality as an external creation or an internal construct can influence your metaphysical beliefs and perspectives and your teaching. Regardless of your definition of reality, the exploration and categorization of the physical universe form the foundation of several school subjects. Epistemology Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that considers how people come to learn what they know. Derived from the Greek word episteme, meaning knowledge or understanding, epistemology refers to the nature and origin of knowledge and truth. Epistemology proposes that there are four main bases of knowledge: divine revelation, experience, logic and reason, and intuition. These influence how teaching, learning, and understanding c...


SIGNIFICANCE OF PHILOSOPHY  EDUCATION 1.       Philosophy affects the aims of education. It is the philosophy of the time, which determines whether the aim of education, should be moral, vocational, intellectual, spiritual or liberal. Rusk, therefore, says, “Every system of education must have an aim and the aims of education are related to the aims of life. Philosophy formulates what should be the end of life while education offers suggestions how this end is to be achieved. 2.       Philosophy determines the choice of studies or curriculum. When aims are set, the next step is to find means to achieve those aims. Curriculum is the mean through which educator realizes his goal. Aims of education on the other hand are determined by philosophy. Hence, philosophy too decides why a particular subject should be included in the curriculum. 3.       Text Book The choice of textbooks also involves phil...


NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY Nature of philosophy is discussed below: Philosophy as an activity: Levison states that “philosophy is first of all an activity of a certain kind and only secondarily a subject matter consisting of definite body of literature.” In its real sense, philosophy is a mental activity, involving the problems of human life, its nature and purpose. Philosophy as speculation: “Since the earliest of recorded history, individuals have speculated about the nature of reality and of meaning of life itself.” In doing so, these persons have dealt with one of the most basic but also most pervasive concerns of human existence. The history of philosophy records the efforts of ancient Indian thinkers like the vedic seers and sages, Sankara, Aristotle, Locke, Kant, Dewey and others. These philosophers and many others have speculated about the nature of reality. When they recounted or recorded their speculations, they attempted to describe the nature of reality. Based upon their ...


PHILOSOPHY The term philosophy has a Greek origin. The word philosophy can be traced to the Greek word “philosophia” which is made up of the words –‘philos’ (meaning love) and ‘sophia’ (meaning wisdom). Therefore the literal meaning of philosophy is ‘love of wisdom’. Since times immemorial there have been various pursuits of unfolding the mysteries of the universe, birth and death, sorrow and joy. Various ages have produced different thoughts throwing light upon the mystic region. The ultimate truth is yet to be found out. This eternal quest for truth lends to the origin of philosophy. A love of wisdom is the essence for any philosophic investigation.             Philosophy has been defined by various scholars from various angles. Philosophy according to them is nothing but an endeavour to bring about a consistent explanation of the different realities around us. Let us quote some definitions. 1. Coleridge. “Science of scien...


INTERDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF EDUCATION Philosophy and Education Human life cannot properly be understood without philosophy. Life and education are inseparably connected. One cannot be separated from the other. Hence, life has a philosophical base and so education also has a philosophical base. Philosophy furnishes the goals of life and education gives the means to achieve those goals. Man is the common subject of both philosophy and education. Philosophy and education are interrelated, interdependent, identical and inseparable from each other. Every philosopher has an educational outlook and every educator has a philosophy of life. The truths and principle established by philosophy are applied in the conduct of education process. Philosophy exercises tremendous influence on education in all its aspects—aims, curriculum, methods, teachers, textbooks, administration, discipline, evaluation etc. There is no aspect of education, which is not influenced and determined by philoso...


DIFFERENT AIMS OF EDUCATION The Vocational Aim  The vocational aim is also known as “the utilitarian aim or the bread and butter aim.” The above stated ideals of education are useless unless these aims enable us to procure the primary needs of our life- food, shelter and clothing. Education must help the child to earn his livelihood. Education, therefore, must prepare the child for some future profession or vacation or trade. The vocational aim is a narrow aim of education. Therefore, the vocational aim is not a complete aim by itself. The Knowledge or Information Aim Educationists who hold the knowledge or information aim of education justify their stand with powerful arguments. They argue that knowledge is indispensable for all right action and it is the source of all power. “It is knowledge which makes a realist a visionary successful in any profession. The Culture Aim The cultural aim of education has been suggested to supplement the narrow view of knowledge aim. ...


PROCESS OF EDUCATION Education by Accretion or Storage   “ According to this view, education is the process of gradually filling up the empty mind of the child with grains of knowledge. The teacher’s mind and the books are the store-houses of mental granary of the child. This is called the gold-sack theory. The books and the teacher are the sources of the springs of knowledge. From these sources the stream of knowledge is to be piped into the empty vassal of the child’s mind. This is humorously called the pipeline theory. Obviously education and knowledge is regarded as the ultimate educational aim. The supporters of the theory of education by accretion hold that knowledge is essential means of prompting human welfare. With the invention of the conventional symbols of language, it was easy to record, pressure and to transmit human experiences systematically.  The theory is really narrow and unsound. It neglects the essential elements in the theory of knowledge ....

Scope of Education

Scope of Education Scope means range of view outlook field or opportunity of activity operation and application. Education has a wider meaning and application. Educational philosophy Philosophy of education covers aims of education, nature of education, importance of education, and function of education its very old and essential part of education. Educational psychology Main aim of education is the development of child. Psychology helps to understand the child better and development of child with respect of physical, mental, emotional, social adjustment,  individual difference, personality, thinking, reasoning, problem solving. Educational sociology A child lives in the society so it’s important for him to know about the society the nature of society, type of society, interdependence between culture and society. History of education It is also important to know background, origin, development, growth and aspect of the subjects. And also education system method ...

Nature of Education:

Nature of Education: As the meaning of education, so its nature which is very complex. The natures of education are 1)       Education is life-long process- Education is life long process because every stage of life of an individual is important from educational point. 2)       Education is a systematic process- It refers to transact its activities through a systematic institution and regulation. 3)       Education is the development of individual and the society- It is called a force for social development, which brings improvement in every aspect of the society. 4)       Education is modification of behaviour- Human behaviour is modified and improved through educational process. 5)       Education is a training- Human senses, mind, behaviour, activities; skills are trained in a constructive and socially desirable way. 6)     ...

Introduction of education

Basic Aspect of Education Etymologically speaking, the word education is derived from the Latin word ‘ educare’ meaning ‘ to raise’ and ‘to bring up’ . According to few others, the word ‘education’ has originated from another Latin term ‘Educere’ which means ‘ to lead forth’ or ‘to come out’ . These meanings indicate that education seeks to nourish the good qualities and draw out the best in every individual. Education seeks to develop the innate or the inner potentialities of humans. Some other educationists believe that the word ‘education’ has been derived from the Latin term ‘ Educatum’ , which means the act of teaching or training . The meanings of these root words lead us to believe that education aims to provide a nourishing environment that would facilitate or bring out and develop the potentialities in an individualThe concept of education has been used in a variety of contexts with different meanings. To give a precise definition of education, just as we define certain co...