Philosophy and Education
life cannot properly be understood without philosophy. Life and education are
inseparably connected. One cannot be separated from the other. Hence, life has
a philosophical base and so education also has a philosophical base. Philosophy
furnishes the goals of life and education gives the means to achieve those
goals. Man is the common subject of both philosophy and education. Philosophy
and education are interrelated, interdependent, identical and inseparable from
each other. Every philosopher has an educational outlook and every educator has
a philosophy of life.
truths and principle established by philosophy are applied in the conduct of
education process.
exercises tremendous influence on education in all its aspects—aims,
curriculum, methods, teachers, textbooks, administration, discipline,
evaluation etc.
is no aspect of education, which is not influenced and determined by
philosophy. Philosophy affects both the theoretical and practical aspects of
education. One cannot be separated from the other.
Sociology and Education
Education takes place in society constituted
of individuals. It is a social process. It has a social function as well as
social relevance. A school is created by the society and the society is shaped
and moulded by the school. Thus, education is both a cause and product of
society. It originates in the society and it must fulfill the needs and
aspirations of the society. There is thus an intimate relationship between
education and society.
Education helps to solve the multifarious
social problems. Education is not a static phenomenon but a dynamic and
ever-changing process. Every society with its own changing socio-cultural needs
will require education to meet those needs. Since needs change continuously
therefore education must also change. The needs of different societies differ;
therefore, education should be dynamic.
sociology analyses and evaluates the groups and institutions in which learning
takes place and the social process involved in learning and teaching. It
analyses and evaluates the social trends and ideologies, which affect
education. It helps us to understand that education is a means of social
throws light on human interaction and relationships within the school and the
community. It emphasizes that learning is a social process. It is the total
cultural milieu in which and through which the learning experience is acquired
and organized. Educational sociology plays a vital role on the modern
educational theories and practices. It influences the aims of education, the
principles of curriculum construction, the methods of teaching, the school
organization and administration.
Psychology and Education
Psychology has greatly influenced the
development of modern education. Basic connections and relationships between
psychology and education are manifold. Educational theory and practice are
conditioned by the nature of human behaviour. Educational Psychology has
developed to study scientifically the behaviour of the students and to help the
process of education.
Educational psychology discusses process of
development of the students, process of learning, social adjustment of the
students, Individuals differences in physical abilities and mental traits and powers,
Interest and motivation of child and various problems associated with the
mental health of the students.
The function of educational psychology is to
know the child and his educational process completely. It tries to determine
the means of attaining the educational goals and objectives outlined by
educational philosophy. It helps the teacher, the students as well as the
primary aim of education is the total development of the child. Modern
education is child-centric, that is why psychology studies the nature and
behaviour of the child in different developmental stages. Child centered
education is the direct effect of psychology on education. All the principles
of modern school organization and administration have directly been influenced
by psychology. For example, timetable is framed on the basis of fatigue index
of the students.
History and Education
history of education helps in knowing the early educational thoughts and in
solving different educational problems. The main task of history of education
is to trace the development of education to try to evaluate the functions it
has fulfilled at different stages of social development and so to reach a
deeper understanding of the function it fulfills today. Under this branch,
educational organizations of pre-historic, ancient and modern periods and
relation of culture and education, pioneers of education and educational
thoughts of various educationists are studied.
history of education may suggest causal explanations for changes that punctuate
the political and social timelines of educational development. It helps us to
understand the evolution of the educational system and structures to date.
There are key dates and events within the development of the education system
that reflect the significant political and social issues of the time. While the
scope of education has changed radically since the late nineteenth century, the
pastoral, disciplinary and knowledge distribution functions of schools and
other education establishments remain significant in modern western societies.
Environmental Education
The main objective of the study of
Environmental education is to enable the student teacher understand about the
concept of environmental education. It also develops in the student teacher a
sense of awareness about the environmental pollution, and possible hazards and
its causes and remedies. It creates a sense of responsibility towards
conservation of environment, bio-diversity and sustainable development. It
develops reasonable understanding about the role of school and education in
fostering the idea of learning to live in harmony with nature. Its study enables
the students to understand about the various measures available to conserve the
environment for sustaining the development.
Adult Education
learning, or adult education, is the practice of training and developing skills
in adults. It takes on many forms, ranging from formal class-based learning to
self- directed learning and e-learning. Adult Education aims at extending
educational options to those adults, who have lost the opportunity and have
crossed the age of formal education, but now feel a need for learning of any
type, including, basic education (literacy), skill development (Vocational
Education) and equivalency.
Economics of Education
of education is the study of economic issues relating to education, including
the demand for education and the financing and provision of education. From
early works on the relationship between schooling and labour market outcomes
for individuals, the field of the economics of education has grown rapidly to
cover virtually all areas with linkages to education.
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