education is vital in creating a pool of schoolteachers that will shape the
next generation. Teacher preparation is an activity that requires
multidisciplinary perspectives and knowledge, formation of dispositions and
values, and development of practice under the best mentors. Teachers must be
grounded in Indian values, languages, knowledge, ethos, and traditions
including tribal traditions, while also being well-versed in the latest
advances in education and pedagogy.
to the Justice J. S. Verma Commission (2012) constituted by the Supreme Court,
a majority of stand-alone TEIs - over 10,000 in number are not even attempting
serious teacher education but are essentially selling degrees for a price.
Regulatory efforts so far have neither been able to curb the malpractices in
the system, nor enforce basic standards for quality, and in fact have had the
negative effect of curbing the growth of excellence and innovation in the
sector. The sector and its regulatory system are, therefore, in urgent need of
revitalization through radical action, in order to raise standards and restore
integrity, credibility, efficacy, and high quality to the teacher education
order to improve and reach the levels of integrity and credibility required to
restore the prestige of the teaching profession, the Regulatory System shall be
empowered to take stringent action against substandard and dysfunctional
teacher education institutions (TEIs) that do not meet basic educational
criteria, after giving one year for remedy of the breaches. By 2030, only
educationally sound, multidisciplinary, and integrated teacher education
programmes shall be in force.
teacher education requires multidisciplinary inputs, and education in
high-quality content as well as pedagogy, all teacher education programmes must
be conducted within composite multidisciplinary institutions. To this end, all
multidisciplinary universities and colleges - will aim to establish, education
departments which, besides carrying out cutting-edge research in various
aspects of education, will also run B.Ed.
Programmes, in collaboration with other departments such as psychology,
philosophy, sociology, neuroscience, Indian languages, arts, music, history, literature,
physical education, science and mathematics. Moreover, all stand-alone TEIs
will be required to convert to multidisciplinary institutions by 2030, since
they will have to offer the 4-year integrated teacher preparation programme.
4-year integrated B.Ed. offered by such multidisciplinary HEIs will, by 2030,
become the minimal degree qualification for school teachers. The 4-year
integrated B.Ed. will be a dual-major holistic Bachelor’s degree, in Education
as well as a specialized subject such as a language, history, music,
mathematics, computer science, chemistry, economics, art, physical education,
etc. Beyond the teaching of cutting-edge pedagogy, the teacher education will
include grounding in sociology, history, science, psychology, early childhood
care and education, foundational literacy and numeracy, knowledge of India and
its values/ethos/art/traditions, and more. The HEI offering the 4-year
integrated B.Ed. may also run a 2-year B.Ed., for students who have already
received a Bachelor’s degree in a specialized subject. A 1-year B.Ed. may also
be offered for candidates who have received a 4-year undergraduate degree in a
specialized subject. Scholarships for meritorious students will be established
for the purpose of attracting outstanding candidates to the 4-year, 2-year, and
1-year B.Ed. programmes.
offering teacher education programmes will ensure the availability of a range
of experts in education and related disciplines as well as specialized
subjects. Each higher education institution will have a network of government
and private schools to work closely with, where potential teachers will
student-teach along with participating in other activities such as community
service, adult and vocational education, etc.
order to maintain uniform standards for teacher education, the admission to pre-service
teacher preparation programmes shall be through suitable subject and aptitude
tests conducted by the National Testing Agency, and shall be standardized
keeping in view the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country.
faculty profile in Departments of Education will necessarily aim to be diverse
and but teaching/field/research experience will be highly valued. Faculty with
training in areas of social sciences that are directly relevant to school
education e.g., psychology, child development, linguistics, sociology,
philosophy, economics, and political science as well as from science education,
mathematics education, social science education, and language education
programmes will be attracted and retained in teacher education institutions, to
strengthen multidisciplinary education of teachers and provide rigour in
conceptual development.
fresh Ph.D. entrants, irrespective of discipline, will be required to take
credit-based courses in teaching/education/pedagogy/writing related to their
chosen Ph.D subject during their doctoral training period. Exposure to
pedagogical practices, designing curriculum, credible evaluation systems,
communication, and so on will be ensured since many research scholars will go
on to become faculty or public representatives/communicators of their chosen
disciplines. Ph.D students will also have a minimum number of hours of actual
teaching experience gathered through teaching assistantships and other means.
Ph.D. programmes at universities around the country will be reoriented for this
continuous professional development for college and university teachers will
continue through the existing institutional arrangements and ongoing
initiatives; these will be strengthened and substantially expanded to meet the
needs of enriched teaching-learning processes for quality education. The use of
technology platforms such as SWAYAM/DIKSHA for online training of teachers will
be encouraged, so that standardized training programmes can be administered to
large numbers of teachers within a short span of time.
National Mission for Mentoring shall be established, with a large pool of
outstanding senior/retired faculty – including those with the ability to teach
in Indian languages – who would be willing to provide short and long-term
mentoring/professional support to university/college teachers.
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